It's pretty rare when I experience these problems - as I work on the trouble free Mac platform (Hi, I'm a Mac). Maybe it's the instance of Windows that I run though a Citrix terminal services application. Perhaps it is slowly taking over the Mac's brain - very much like the new Stephanie Meyers thriller, The Host. As far as I'm concerned, PC stands for Piece of Crap.
It's amazing how we just become a more and more impatient society. Computers just keep getting faster and faster, yet they still never seem fast enough. Same with internet connections. It's all so retarded. And by retarded I mean that it is slow, not mentally disabled. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings here. Except for my computer's. I want to hurt it's everything.
In protest to my stupid computer and it's stupid slowness today, I am going to now have 10 lines of silence.
There....that will teach this stupid machine to mess with a human. Maybe I just have something like the Forrest Gump of computers or something. Seriously, I think I saw my computer arrive for work on the short bus this morning. It was the one licking the window.
I will now use the Word of the Day from my desktop widget in a sentence. I have an odium for my computer today.
I guess I'll attempt to publish this post. That is, if my ignoramous computer will cooperate. Thanks for listening to my rant.
Stickman out!

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